Free Tutorial: TP Roll Sunflower


This little tutorial is a tribute to the lovely wild little sunflowers that pop up everywhere this time of year in the desert valley where I live.


This is my stash of toilet paper rolls! Although this may indicate a hording problem, in my defense, the rest of these got donated to a local kindergarten classroom  for art projects. More reused materials means a better quality of life for all of us- including our loved ones with autism. 🙂


1. Cut a straight slit in a toilet paper roll, ending about in the middle of the roll.


2. Turn scissors perpendicular and cut the roll in half.


3. Take opposite half and create evenly spaced slits that reach about 1/2 inch from the bottom. Six is a good number, but 7 or 8 also creates a great look. Repeat on other half of roll, making one less slit than the previous, to account for the one it already has.


4. Fan out the segments just created.


5. Trim ends of all segments so that they have a symmetrical point.

Tip: Trim a little off the end segment of roll that is cut through. Trim point to make symmetrical.


6. Place the roll slit through inside the other roll, creating the flower.


Wanting some color on mine, I had my Little Bear paint both parts for me. I knew that he would do better than I would, because I would make the paint all even- he made it splotchy and rustic and perfect! Love the results!


Here’s some ideas of ways these fun little flowers can be used:


They make a cute decorative fall garland!


Use them to top off an upcycled soda bottle vase by creating a hole and adding a skewer.

Happy Sunflower Season!

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